Forum Ekonomiczne

„Rzeczpospolita” na Forum Ekonomicznym w Karpaczu 2024

Sustainable development matters also in fashion and design

Although the care for the natural environment is treated superficially by some companies, for other ecology has an increasing impact on business, including the fashion market.

Publikacja: 12.09.2021 18:46

Sustainable development matters also in fashion and design

Foto: ISW

- Sustainable development is a long-term trend that must also include the supply chain - stressed Enrico Moretti Polegato, the president of an Italian company Diadora, during the discussion "Tailored to the climate - sustainable development according to the clothing industry. As Enrico Moretti Polegato pointed out, Diadora already controls its supply chain and cares about biodiversity, for example by using new types of natural materials, such as kangaroo leather. Despite the efforts of some companies, including the leaders of the market, there is still a long way to go for the fashion industry in terms of sustainable development.

Jakub Stojek, the president of a Polish clothing company Rascal Industry, pointed out that ecology, which helps to create a good image of brands, was often neglected. There is little behind the declarations and many clothing manufacturers deviate from the facts when it comes to revealing the composition of materials. Taking ecology seriously requires getting certificates, shortening the supply chain, extending the service life of garments and looking for alternative raw materials such as flax and hemp which are difficult to obtain today.

Leonore Garnier, the director for sustainable development of the French Federation of Fashion admitted that a major challenge was the volume of the textile industry. With frequent changes in fashion trends, a lot of clothes are thrown away. What is more, 70% of clothing waste is burned. According to Garnier, it is necessary to improve the collection of used clothes and to extend their service life, for example through a proper design. With regards to design, the ecological aspect is becoming more and more important, which was unanimously emphasised by the participants of the debate "Polish design internationally". It was stressed that when it came to good design, the material and technical aspects were very important - that is the design of the product, which should not only look good but also be functional and comfortable for the user. Kristen Fernandes, the owner of a lingerie brand Seelania Lingerie, pointed out that although she relied on natural materials, manufacturers often had to use synthetics.

Karolina Adamczyk, the co-owner of Resin, a company that produces glasses decorated with natural amber, admitted that innovative materials ensured market advantage but also meant higher costs.

Good design helps to stand out, which is something that Polish startups are increasingly aware of. Jacek Mikosz, a co-founder of FindAir, emphasised that there was not enough ''locality'' in Polish design. However, to stand out in the world it was worth looking for inspiration locally, not abroad.

- Sustainable development is a long-term trend that must also include the supply chain - stressed Enrico Moretti Polegato, the president of an Italian company Diadora, during the discussion "Tailored to the climate - sustainable development according to the clothing industry. As Enrico Moretti Polegato pointed out, Diadora already controls its supply chain and cares about biodiversity, for example by using new types of natural materials, such as kangaroo leather. Despite the efforts of some companies, including the leaders of the market, there is still a long way to go for the fashion industry in terms of sustainable development.

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