Forum Ekonomiczne

„Rzeczpospolita” na Forum Ekonomicznym w Karpaczu 2024

The increase of spending on healthcare is not enough

What matters is not only the amount of money for healthcare, but also the way in which it is spent, which is often overlooked in the debates.

Publikacja: 08.09.2021 19:35

The increase of spending on healthcare is not enough

Foto:, Rafał Klimkiewicz

Pandemics was a stress test which highlighted the structural problems of healthcare systems. It drew attention among other issues whether we finance the health care system in an appropriate manner - stressed prof. Vincenzo Atella from the Farmafactoring Foundation, presenting in Karpacz for the first time the „Healthcare report”, which served as a starting point for the discussion on the source of financing of health care. Prof. Atella pointed out that there is no perfect health care system in the world that could be replicated in other countries. The health care systems all over the world are the result of long-term processes influenced by social-cultural factors and cannot be quickly changed by regulations.  

The expert indicated that the discussions on financing the health care focus on the level of its financing, which is a political decision. The technical but very important issue of allocation of funds is often overlooked. Meanwhile, with the same level of financing the different allocation of funds can provide completely different health outcomes.

The allocation of funds is even more important in Poland as even with the planned increased expenditures on health care we are still far from OECD average, which is expected to reach 12% of GDP by 2030. As the Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski indicated the three pillars of change in the health care system should result in the improvement of the financing model. 

No waste

Firstly, expenditures will increase – according to the assumptions of the Polish Deal the public spending on health care will reach 7% of GDP in 2027. The system of financing these expenditures should be diversified as much as possible. It should be based on contributions paid in solidarity and in the spirit of fair play, as proposed in the Polish Deal. The health-promotion levies such as a sugar levy should be one of the financing sources, which in minister Niedzielski’s opinion had a fantastic effect by reducing the consumption of sweetened beverages by approx. 30%. 

The measurement of the system implemented in the draft act on quality in health care expected to contribute to control and rationalisation of expenditures is the third pillar. – We cannot afford waste in health care – stressed the minister.

Filip Nowak, president of the National Health Fund spoke about the positive significance of the quality act, which will allow to recognize outstanding service providers. Filip Nowak, president of the National Health Fund, spoke about the positive significance of the quality act, which will allow for the recognition of outstanding service providers. He reminded the reversal of the pyramid of benefits and increase of the share of one-day and outpatient procedures is a big challenge.

Personnel crisis

Radosław Moks, a member of the management board of BFF Banking Group in Poland spoke about the need to change the structure of expenditures related to this issue. He stressed that the key issue today concerns the way of spending the funds. The history shows that the increase of the role of primary health care (PHC) and out-patient care and coordinated treatment is the best solution. In Poland however approx. 50% of public health care expenditures goes to inpatient hospitals and in majority to conservative treatments which could be provided by out-patient clinics or one-day centres. This would help to manage the infrastructure and transform the hospitals with the potential involvement of commercial banks.

Adam Rozwadowski, president of Enel-Med Medical Centre stressed that the increasing expenditures are accompanied by increasing debt of public hospitals. The private sector, which in Poland is worth already 56 billion and forms an important element of the health care system, supports the condition of its hospitals among others through leaseback, which could also be used by public institutions.

Prof. Jarosław Fedorowski, president of the Polish Federation of Hospitals stressed that coordinated allocation of funds is the key – the funds should be allocated where the best treatment results can be obtained. This result is ensured by the coordinated health care.  However, money is the key as even 7% of GDP is not enough as the countries spending 12% of GDP on health care are the reference point for both the patients and health professionals. However, as mentioned by Jerzy Gryglewicz, an expert at the Institute of HealthCare Management at the Łazarski University in Warsaw – the provision of service was the problem during the pandemics, when the financing of the health care system increased by approx. 30%. As a result, we have a huge health debt resulting among others from the delayed diagnostics of diseases. It may be difficult to balance this debt because of the staff deficit – the biggest problem in the health care sector today, which will continue to grow.

Report’s partner: BFF Polska SA

Pandemics was a stress test which highlighted the structural problems of healthcare systems. It drew attention among other issues whether we finance the health care system in an appropriate manner - stressed prof. Vincenzo Atella from the Farmafactoring Foundation, presenting in Karpacz for the first time the „Healthcare report”, which served as a starting point for the discussion on the source of financing of health care. Prof. Atella pointed out that there is no perfect health care system in the world that could be replicated in other countries. The health care systems all over the world are the result of long-term processes influenced by social-cultural factors and cannot be quickly changed by regulations.  

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