Forum Ekonomiczne

„Rzeczpospolita” na Forum Ekonomicznym w Karpaczu 2024

Multidimensional answer to a question about Europe’s future

Leadership and responsibility seems to be one of the fundamental issues for the future and development of the continent.

Publikacja: 08.09.2021 19:16

Multidimensional answer to a question about Europe’s future

Foto: Fotorzepa, Rafał Klimkiewicz

What will define the fate of Europe? This is one of the issues tackled by the participants of the plenary session during the Economic Forum in Karpacz regarding Europe in search of leadership.  Bogusław Chrabota, the chief editor of “Rzeczpospolita” newspaper was the moderator of the session. The session was attended by political business and religious leaders. – Roche as global company is transforming. We want our societies to be healthier, this will allow us to go forward - said Irma Veberic, general manager of Roche Polska during the discussion.

The debate entitled “Europe in search of leadership” took place on several planes. – Multidimensional, polyphonic discussion of this type is needed because we are immersed in multidimensional world and we have to find ourselves in it – said Bogusław Chrabota.

The EU and parity

One of the discussion participants was Marek Kuchciński, a PiS (Law and Justice party) MP and former Speaker of House (Sejm). - There is one thing you need to pay attention to. If we think about the equal development of the European Union, then we must treat all countries equally. Above all, to respect those principles that make up the Union. Sometimes we have problems with that, when we look at the decisions made by the EU authorities, by the Brussels 'mainstream'. The votes of the countries that joined the EU in 2004 highlighted the need for uniform development not only in economic terms, but also in terms of compliance with the law. And also respecting one's own distinctiveness - said Kuchciński about the political perspectives of EU development.

- Another issue concerns the national identity. This is because of two issues. First, there is no such thing as a European nation. There are French, Germans, Poles and others. One of the basic principles is respect for being different. We have only been strengthening our independence and freedom for 30 years. We must strengthen our national identity. In a way we have to experience it again. These issues do not exist in the countries of Western Europe or Scandinavia. These are content societies. In Sweden there has been no war for 200 years. We are strengthening the sovereignty of our countries. We expect others to respect this period. So yes to the EU, yes to the strengthened EU, Brexit was a mistake, but inside the EU we must act as equals, as free - argued Kuchciński.

The debate also raised the question of whether Covid reality enforces isolationism.

– The issues of isolationism in respect to Covid reality are driven primarily by the security. It is the obligation of any government to ensure the security of its citizens. These decisions to some extent are understandable, the decisions made by the neighbours or other Member States. In a broader context, e.g. in respect to the immigration policy, it was the decisions made by the Visegrad Group stopping the uncontrolled influx of migrants that resulted in the absence of immigration limits in V4 group. In Poland we have the biggest number of our neighbours who came to Poland for economical reasons. Unofficially we have nearly 2 million Ukrainians. There are no problems with that – argued Kuchciński.

Covid as a catalyst

The issue of responsibility and role of the enterprises was one of the topics discussed during the debate. - Roche was established 125 years ago. We are operating in over 100 countries worldwide. We strive to improve the quality of life of people. This is our mission. We are pursuing this through the pillars of our company: diagnostic, pharmacological and more recently, data-related. I have been working in this industry for nearly 30 years. I was sure that what I was doing mattered and was valuable. Following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, I thought a lot about whether my work and activities were really enough. If we are to be honest, looking at issues such as access to medical products, good economy, and sustainable development, we have to admit that the changes are partial. And that's not enough. We have to admit that the health care system in Europe and in the world is not working. It’s that simple. This is what Covid-19 showed. We need to take it seriously - said Irma Veberic.

Veberic also argued that the coronavirus pandemic can and should be a catalyst for change. - But there is also good news. Covid-19 may be a catalyst for change. Finally. Because we need them badly. I often ask myself: What did we get from Covid-19? What are our conclusions? What can we do to improve the situation? The work on Covid-19 vaccines and how we approached it together is the example of such improvement. This is a model that we can replicate elsewhere. We had a common goal, mutual trust and we managed to destroy the silos in which we have worked so far. We have worked together - with governments, public institutions, the public, pharmaceutical companies in the private sector. Everyone saw the need for quick action - said Veberic about working on Covid vaccines.

– The science brings new discoveries at a very fast pace. Humanity deserves more. It is up to us whether this will be the case. Both up to us as individuals and together. I am sure that 2020 and 2021 will be entered in the history books. But we have to make sure that this moment and its meaning do not disappear. And that this crisis would not be wasted. We want the next generations to be able to say that in 2020, a revolution in health care began, which made our societies healthier - concluded Veberic.

Enrico Moretti Polegato, the CEO of Diadora was also discussing the responsibility and future of Europe.

– I think that the world and this continent is facing unprecedented challenges. Economic, social, spiritual. Covid is a challenge raising the question whether Europe will be at the forefront of change again. I believe we are ready. But we need social, spiritual, political and economic leadership.  Leadership requires vision, empathy, looking at the common good and ability for reckoning. In respect to vision, every leader should know what the social needs and the needs of e.g. of a given company will be in the future. To realise this you need empathy, to know the needs of everyone around you – stressed Mr. Polegato.

Spiritual leadership as well

Spiritual perspective of the search for leadership was raised by Cardinal Peter Turkson, Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Integral Human Development.

- The founding fathers of the EU emphasized that the vision of the Union concerns not only the economy but values as well. The pandemic started out as a public health phenomenon. But it also brought many other pandemics to the light. Social, economic, fragile social institutions. The recovery from the pandemic must also take us all through these other spheres - said the cardinal.

Session partner: Roche Polska

Partner’s opinion: Roche Polska

Foto: Fotorzepa, Rafał Klimkiewicz

Irma VeberičDirector General, Roche Polska

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the countries of Europe, impacting the economic, social and political situation, thus contributing to undermining the stability of the EU. At the same time, it was the pandemic, like nothing else so far, that has highlighted the importance of the development of new technologies and innovations in the biotechnology sector, not only because of the impact on the quality and effectiveness of healthcare, which comes first to mind, but also because of the economy. The pandemic has taught us one more valuable lesson by showing that a culture of global collaboration allows to achieve much more.

The healthcare systems in the United States or China, where patients have much better access to innovative healthcare demonstrates how much we have to "catch up" as Europe in ​​healthcare domain. I believe that the current situation is an excellent time to take advantage of the impetus of the pandemic. I am convinced that Europe has the potential to reverse the trend and start a new era of healthcare by re-emerging as a global power by developing an ambitious and stable pharmaceutical strategy.

As Roche, we are already making efforts to respond to new challenges. We go beyond the traditional role of a pharmaceutical company as a therapy provider, and we become a real ally of the healthcare system by building strategic cooperation with public entities, such as the National Institute of Oncology (the first Early-Phase Clinical Trials Unit in Poland). Our commitment to the platform created under the wings of the Medical Research Agency - Warsaw Health Innovation Hub (WHIH) - aims to co-create a platform for further investments, incubation of innovations, as well as cooperation on recommendations to improve the health care system. Roche has a strong presence in Poland, and our annual investments in R&D exceeded PLN 1 billion in 2020. On a global scale, we invested over USD 14.4 billion in the search for new solutions for patients last year.

The pharmaceutical industry is under enormous pressure and has a lot of responsibility. Research and development of solutions that normally would take decades must now be implemented as quickly as possible. This year Roche is celebrating its 125th anniversary, and our motto seems to be even more relevant than ever before: "Doing now what patients need next". We are committed to doing more than providing innovative diagnosis and treatment. We want to create a robust, data-driven, outcome-oriented and patient-oriented healthcare system for Europe.

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