Science and business – potential space for cooperation

Polish companies are increasingly turning to advanced services provided by research centres.

Publikacja: 08.09.2022 21:56

Participants of the debate agreed that in order to achieve innovation, science and business must go

Participants of the debate agreed that in order to achieve innovation, science and business must go hand in hand.

Foto: Bartek Dąbrowski,

Without cooperation between business and scientific research community, it is difficult to talk about great innovations, argued Dr Piotr Dardziński, President of the Łukasiewicz Research Network, during the panel discussion “Cooperation of science and business in the field of innovation and modern technology”.

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Nauka i biznes – pole do kooperacji

Cooperation is the key

As President Dardziński pointed out, in practice, it happens that innovations are created without the participation of scientists, such as in global corporations. – But as a general rule, business must have access to knowledge, opportunities to benefit from the achievements of science and technology. This is when universities or research and development units come to the rescue as their focus on conducting applied research that can be implemented quickly gives entrepreneurs the chance to boost their competitiveness, stressed P. Dardziński.

– Companies like IBM and Google have really large R&D teams, but they also work with research centres because they can count on expert support there, also noted Dr Filip Granek, CEO and co-founder of XTPL. Thus, participants in the discussion agreed that the field for cooperation between science and business is very large.

The role of science in business

Jan Staniłko, an expert on industrial innovation, noted that the role of science in the entire innovation process should be defined as the provision of scientific services. For an innovation to come to fruition, it is not enough for a scientist to end a project with a patent, or merely figure out how to solve a problem. – It’s not like an engineer prepares a project, implements it, and ends up with a demonstration – and his role ends there. An effective innovation process is complex and should start with the principles of cooperation and end with the implementation stages, J. Staniłko said. He added that, in the context of science-business relations, it is necessary to primarily discuss a complex process of inter-organisational cooperation rather than narrowly defined interpersonal cooperation.

– For us it is an everyday occurrence; we have been providing so-called scientific services for years, noted Prof. Jerzy Lis, dr hab. Eng., Vice-Chancellor of the AGH University of Science and Technology. – At our university, we are well prepared for this. We are able to translate intentions and visions into business opportunities. We have adequate resource; and for large projects, we are able to select a team of experts from a network of scientific centres also outside of AGH, such as Łukasiewicz Network, Prof. Lis pointed out. Furthermore, he added that AGH not only educates young manpower for industries, but in general has emerged as a centre for “delivery” and creation of new technologies in these areas.

Advanced services

President P. Dardziński acknowledged that getting into cooperative mode in the case of the Łukasiewicz Research Network was not a simple task, but it was a success. Currently, Łukasiewicz receives about 70 (per month) inquiries from the private sector for high-quality R&D services.

– These are not requests for simple certificates or quality confirmations, but for advanced business research services, which we specialise in. We support companies in solving their technological problems, conducting research and development projects, upgrading equipment, helping to create new products, making technologies work better, cheaper and more efficient, president P. Dardziński stressed.

One of the most difficult subjects, when it comes to cooperation between business and science, is the issue of intellectual property.

– For high-tech companies with global potential, companies like ours, this is crucial. We are very firm on this subject, it is in our interest and the interest of our customers to have the ability to dispose of intellectual property without restriction, F. Granek commented. Private companies use such strategies to avoid problems in future.

Who will benefit?

It is interesting to note that, in a sense, the Łukasiewicz Research Network operates in line with this strategy. Because, as CEO P. Dardziński explained, although Łukasiewicz provides market services and wants to make profit from it, it does not want to own the intellectual property. And it sells most of its patents.

On the other hand, such a model may carry some prejudice to the benefits achieved by researchers. – Therefore, it would be best to design technology transfer in such a way that it is a long-term incentive system, Jan Staniłko commented. He pointed out that it is not always necessary to have full intellectual property, access to it and the principles of its monetisation are often enough.

– This can be arranged in different ways, the important thing is that the rules for managing intellectual property are clear and written down in the form of a contract, Jan Staniłko noted.

Partner relacji: Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz



Without cooperation between business and scientific research community, it is difficult to talk about great innovations, argued Dr Piotr Dardziński, President of the Łukasiewicz Research Network, during the panel discussion “Cooperation of science and business in the field of innovation and modern technology”.

Cooperation is the key

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