Forum Ekonomiczne

„Rzeczpospolita” na Forum Ekonomicznym w Karpaczu 2024

New challenges for the business

The Polish Davos will be held on Tuesday. The main topic will be adjustments to the new post-pandemic reality.

Publikacja: 07.09.2021 13:47

New challenges for the business

Foto: Fotorzepa, Tomasz Jodłowski

The Economic Forum is a unique event among all business events not only in Poland, but in the whole Central and Eastern Europe. It is attended by representatives of the government, entrepreneurs and experts, and its purpose is to discuss the current political, economic and social situation. The prestige of the Forum is best demonstrated by the fact that this year will mark its 30th anniversary.

Three thousand guests

The varied programme of the Forum, organised by the Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies, includes approximately 350 debates and discussions divided into over a dozen thematic groups. Over 3000 guests from Europe, Central Asia and the USA are expected to attend it. It would take too much space to mention here all the eminent speakers invited, but it is worth to note that the joint debate "Europe: towards recovery' is to be held with the participation of the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Janez Janša, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmygal and the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki.

Karpacz will also host the heads of Poland's largest companies, local government officials, city mayors, voivodeship marshals, opposition politicians, as well as members of the government and the government coalition.

The watchword of this year’s Forum will be “Europe in search of leadership”. The reason for choosing this topic have been the challenges brought about by the pandemic in practically every sphere of life, from the health and economy sectors to great politics.

As Zygmunt Berdychowski, the Chairman of the Programme Council of the Economic Forum, observes, the outbreak and impact of the pandemic in spring last year has jeopardised the direction of European integration. Since the first instinct was for the member states to start competing with one another, one may wonder what the current role of the European Union should be.

Economic challenges

One of the key issues is rebuilding the economies of European countries. How to ensure that the Old Continent quickly returns to the path of development and becomes competitive enough to keep up with the United States or China?

The pandemic has accelerated the digital revolution and highlighted the need to accelerate the green transformation. Climate change will be the topic of a series of debates, including the opening plenary session “New Deal 2021”. As emphasised by the organisers, the European Green Deal will shape a new reality, bringing new opportunities, but also certain risks, such as rising electricity prices, which will affect both businesses and consumers. How should this impact on the economy be offset? How to transform the coal industry?

Not only industry, but also the business sector is entering a new post-pandemic era. The outbreak of COVID-19 has forced businesses to remodel their operations virtually overnight. Due to lockdown, the HoReCa, as well as culture and entertainment sectors have incurred great losses. In some areas of business, remote work has been introduced. Crisis management skills have also become greatly important. Nevertheless, problems with broken supply chains continue to impede speedy recovery of the business sector to this day. What has the situation taught the entrepreneurs? Will they be able to adapt to the new reality?

 The meetings will also address such topics as macroeconomics, the state of the economy and public finances or the government’s planned actions in this regard. As evidenced by data from the Statistics Poland (GUS), the Polish economy has already entered a phase of recovery, the situation on the labour market is also returning to its pre-pandemic level. Nevertheless, these positive trends are accompanied by higher inflation. The solution to make our economy more innovative and competitive is still to be found.

The Economic Forum is a unique event among all business events not only in Poland, but in the whole Central and Eastern Europe. It is attended by representatives of the government, entrepreneurs and experts, and its purpose is to discuss the current political, economic and social situation. The prestige of the Forum is best demonstrated by the fact that this year will mark its 30th anniversary.

Three thousand guests

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