Roman Jamiołkowski: Tobacco industry must act responsibly

All companies are talking about ESG. We supplement it with letter H [for Health – ed.]. As a tobacco company, we believe it is our duty to raise the issue of the impact of our operations on health and the environment, says Roman Jamiołkowski, Director of Corporate Affairs at BAT.

Publikacja: 08.09.2022 03:00

Roman Jamiołkowski

Roman Jamiołkowski

Foto: Mariusz Szachowski,

“Rzeczpospolita” devotes considerable attention to corporate responsibility in a difficult time of new challenges. Today, in the context of war, pandemic, and inflation experiences, it is harder for business to act with respect for values?

At these times, universal values are all the more important, especially when we have to confront difficult external conditions. It is important to look at how the environment affects our business and how our business can affect the environment.

BAT generates substantial budget revenues, also in Poland. The tobacco market in Poland brings in PLN 23 billion a year from excise taxes, accounting for nearly 30% of all excise revenues. It also feeds the state budget with CIT, jobs, and investments in Poland. This is why our industry is such important part of the economy.

Recent times are indeed redefining corporate social responsibility. I observe with great satisfaction our parent company, which has been openly talking about exiting the Russian market since the beginning of the war.

What is the core value of your operation and strategy?

All companies talk about ESG (E for environment, S for social responsibility, and G for corporate governance). We supplement it with letter H (for Health). As a tobacco company, we believe it is our duty to raise the issue of the impact of our operations on health and the environment. The 1990s are over; there are alternatives to cigarettes to reduce the health risks associated with tobacco-related diseases. The tobacco industry has taken a huge step forward in recent years as there are nicotine alternatives, such as tobacco heaters, e-cigarettes, and tobacco-free pouches that do not produce aerosol and reduce the negative impact on the consumer’s body. This is something we would like to discuss and further develop these technologies. We also need to educate about this. This is relevant today and this is our primary responsibility. Of course, this does not release us from caring about the other ESG elements.

In addition to the global perspective, there are local considerations and needs. What does this look like in your operations?

Our country borders with a country at war, which is why we coordinate aid from Poland for our Ukrainian workers. We have helped, among other things, to move them safely here and to facilitate their living and working arrangements.

Czytaj więcej

Roman Jamiołkowski: Biznes tytoniowy musi działać odpowiedzialnie

One of the largest BAT factories in the world is located in Augustów, and to date we have invested around PLN 3.5 billion in it. We manufacture for 50 markets. BAT also includes the Chic Group, where we produce e-cigarette liquids, and the eSmoking Institute, which is involved in research and development. Dialogue with the state administration is also extremely important, both in terms of tax predictability and issues of countering the black economy. Let’s not forget that Poland, as an EU Member State, has the longest external border of the Union.

Do tobacco companies also want to be part of the sustainability promoted by business?

They always have been and will remain so. If a company is engaged in manufacturing and consuming water and energy, it must strive to constantly reduce its negative impact on the environment, and the tobacco business should be all the more aware of this and take appropriate action.

– Notes taken by: by Grzegorz Balawender

Partner: BAT Poland

“Rzeczpospolita” devotes considerable attention to corporate responsibility in a difficult time of new challenges. Today, in the context of war, pandemic, and inflation experiences, it is harder for business to act with respect for values?

At these times, universal values are all the more important, especially when we have to confront difficult external conditions. It is important to look at how the environment affects our business and how our business can affect the environment.

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