Lekcja 9: Healthy working environments

Is it possible to work in an office where instead of a staircase you have a slide that takes you straight into the office canteen, where you are given all-you-can-eat meals every day? You say, it’s not possible? I have to prove you wrong and say, definitely yes. The office environment I was describing exists in Google.

Aktualizacja: 05.11.2008 03:08 Publikacja: 05.11.2008 02:04

What can you do to relax and energize your employee during a long 8-hour day? For really unusual and at the same time wacky ideas it is best to visit Google’s new European engineering headquarters in Zurich Switzerland. The office is an unconventional environment where everyone can find a place to chill out. The leisure areas are divided into mini-environments, for example the water-lounge with its fish tanks. There you can sit in one of the massage chairs and totally switch off. There is also a Swiss chalet and an igloo. If you’d like to have some fun you can make use of the video game room or snooker room. To make a quick private phone call you can get inside a recycled gondola. There is also a chance to feel like a fireman as you come down the fireman pole which is the quickest way to get between floors. You might think that in such a working environment it is not possible to concentrate on work. According to Google’s employees, an unusual working environment helps boost creativity and that’s what the company expects from its staff. The above description shows a place where people feel not only relaxed but also healthy. Companies should no longer believe that employees are solely responsible for their health and well-being. Companies are starting to realize that their company’s health is influenced by their employees health. You don’t have to splash out on lavish designs. For example, it’s important to ensure that there is enough natural sunlight which is better in the morning than a double espresso or that employees are looking at plants which, experts say can lower the heart rate by three beats per minute. Simple, yet fundamental, contributions to, a healthier working environment.


[b]Word-of-the-week[/b]well-being – the state of feeling healthy and happy

[b]Glossary[/b]: wacky – unusual in a pleasing and exciting or silly way

chill out – to relax completely, or not allow things to upset you

switch off – to stop giving your attention to something or someone 

boost – to improve or increase something

splash out – to spend a lot of money on something which is very pleasant but which you do not need 

lavish – more than enough, especially if expensive; very generous[/ramka]


[srodtytul]Practice makes perfect[/srodtytul]

[b]Complete the gaps with words from the text[/b]

I think that Szymon Majewski’s show is a really ………...... program

Are you listening to me? Sorry, I ………….. off for a while.

The presidential victory party was set in the ……………. interiors of the Bristol hotel.

This being our honeymoon I think we can ……………. out on an unforgettable journey.

[i]—odpowiedzi na [link=http://www.archibald.pl]www.archibald.pl[/link][/i][/ramka]

[link=http://d52.rp.pl/audio/vol3/lekcja9.mp3]Wersja audio[/link]

What can you do to relax and energize your employee during a long 8-hour day? For really unusual and at the same time wacky ideas it is best to visit Google’s new European engineering headquarters in Zurich Switzerland. The office is an unconventional environment where everyone can find a place to chill out. The leisure areas are divided into mini-environments, for example the water-lounge with its fish tanks. There you can sit in one of the massage chairs and totally switch off. There is also a Swiss chalet and an igloo. If you’d like to have some fun you can make use of the video game room or snooker room. To make a quick private phone call you can get inside a recycled gondola. There is also a chance to feel like a fireman as you come down the fireman pole which is the quickest way to get between floors. You might think that in such a working environment it is not possible to concentrate on work. According to Google’s employees, an unusual working environment helps boost creativity and that’s what the company expects from its staff. The above description shows a place where people feel not only relaxed but also healthy. Companies should no longer believe that employees are solely responsible for their health and well-being. Companies are starting to realize that their company’s health is influenced by their employees health. You don’t have to splash out on lavish designs. For example, it’s important to ensure that there is enough natural sunlight which is better in the morning than a double espresso or that employees are looking at plants which, experts say can lower the heart rate by three beats per minute. Simple, yet fundamental, contributions to, a healthier working environment.

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