Adam Ponichtera: It’s the highest time we established an integrated data centre

We need to finally invest in a data centre that will help all entities in the country, says Adam Ponichtera, country manager of Data4 Group.

Publikacja: 08.09.2022 21:44

Adam Ponichtera

Adam Ponichtera

Foto: Mariusz Szachowski,

Polish administration plans to focus on developing a network of data centres.

It’s about time. There are nearly 400 server rooms, data centres of various classes, built by public administrations throughout Poland. They are scattered in all provinces. Each built to its own needs without sharing data with other government agencies. They are not compatible with each other. The government wants to start integrating this into a single entity because running 400 units is inefficient. This is due to maintenance costs and electricity prices, but also security. They are located in class B, C, and worse buildings. They are vulnerable to flooding or loss of electricity. We need to finally invest in a data centre that will help all entities in the country.

How does this look in other countries? Professional companies can bring value to this?

We can and we do, for example, in France, Italy. A tender will soon be announced in Spain. We helped adapt it to market conditions, convinced the government administration and the ministry to make the tender open and involve professional players. Scalability was the main argument. Data4 is ready for it. The company can build more buildings because it has a large area of land. We have 4 hectares in Poland and we plan to power the campus with 60 MW.

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Adam Ponichtera: Najwyższy czas na zintegrowane centrum danych

t’s hard to find engineers and IT specialists now, and we have qualified staff in Poland to handle the data centre. In addition, safety and energy efficiency is an issue. We negotiate wholesale quantities with power suppliers and are able to change prices. It is also important to purchase equipment for the construction of the centre. Sometimes, there is a two-year wait for air conditioners or batteries. We talk to contractors across the whole platform, so we have it easier than individual countries.

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Data4 will be interested in tenders in Poland?

Of course. We are open to discussion and dialogue for the reasons mentioned. We are able to be a centre contractor and as a company that will manage it, adapting it to the needs of the customer. We work 24 hours a day, all days a year under a full regime. We have experience not only with public administrations, but also large global players and cloud operators. This is the best recommendation.

In Poland, regulations change frequently. Will the Act on National Data Centre change your strategy?

It will not change it, it will supplement it. This is an opportunity for Data4, and the digitalisation of public administration. We will soon be commissioning the first building and will begin construction of the second. We want to develop this investment by as many as four buildings. We are also thinking about expanding Data4 in Poland. We will provide services for large, medium, and regional clouds, including local business customers. Our data centre is called the backbone of the economy. We help digitalise and sustain our customers’ businesses. 

—Recorder by: Grzegorz Balawender

Partner: Francusko-Polska Izba Gospodarcza CCIFP


Polish administration plans to focus on developing a network of data centres.

It’s about time. There are nearly 400 server rooms, data centres of various classes, built by public administrations throughout Poland. They are scattered in all provinces. Each built to its own needs without sharing data with other government agencies. They are not compatible with each other. The government wants to start integrating this into a single entity because running 400 units is inefficient. This is due to maintenance costs and electricity prices, but also security. They are located in class B, C, and worse buildings. They are vulnerable to flooding or loss of electricity. We need to finally invest in a data centre that will help all entities in the country.

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