Forum Ekonomiczne

„Rzeczpospolita” na Forum Ekonomicznym w Karpaczu 2024

There is a lack of cooperation between universities and employers

Over 400 universities and 10,000 faculties in Poland are not enough to perceive Polish education as well-adapted to the requirements of the labour market.

Aktualizacja: 03.09.2021 15:41 Publikacja: 08.09.2020 08:00

During the panel "Education system versus labour market. Chances and challenges" at the Economic Forum 2020, experts discussed what needs to be changed in the Polish higher education system.

A significant part of the debate was devoted to cooperation between universities and employers because, as Professor Marek Rocki, Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics, noted, employers do not take advantage of the opportunities provided for in the Higher Education Act, which directly affects the labour market and the development opportunities of university graduates.

'Employers need staff that is well prepared for work, while many universities simply produce the unemployed. But entrepreneurs also need to know exactly whom they need,' stressed Dariusz Bożek, President of Tarnobrzeg.

'Companies should not only take young people on company tours, but also organise internships,' added Wojciech Murdzek, the Minister of Science and Higher Education. The Minister also added that teaching is a multidimensional process that starts very early in everyone's life.

Oktawia Gorzeńska, founder of Academy of Educational Leadership, listed the shortcomings of the teaching culture in Poland. 'We should work to ensure that teachers change the attitude of students. School should be a school of competence: we must have knowledge, but we should be able to apply it in practice, and Polish schools merely repeat the same lessons every year,' she said.

Krzysztof Inglot, President of Personnel Service, a recruitment company, raised the issue of differences between Polish and foreign universities.

'Higher education in Poland is different from what is normal in the world. It fails to convey knowledge and it fails to build attitudes that are sought after on the global labour markets. With the approach we have in Poland, we can only create mineworkers and other 19th century occupations. We have not yet reached the level where we would be educating people who want to change the world and not just succeed on the labour market,' said Krzysztof Inglot.

The Minister for Science and Higher Education addressed those statements. 'A lot is changing, let us not be impatient, it will not happen overnight,' concluded Wojciech Murdzek.

During the panel "Education system versus labour market. Chances and challenges" at the Economic Forum 2020, experts discussed what needs to be changed in the Polish higher education system.

A significant part of the debate was devoted to cooperation between universities and employers because, as Professor Marek Rocki, Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics, noted, employers do not take advantage of the opportunities provided for in the Higher Education Act, which directly affects the labour market and the development opportunities of university graduates.

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