Forum Ekonomiczne

„Rzeczpospolita” na Forum Ekonomicznym w Karpaczu 2024

“Rzeczpospolita” recommends – 5 September

Publikacja: 05.09.2023 02:49

“Rzeczpospolita” recommends – 5 September

Foto: Aleksander Zieliński

The Republic of Women Leaders. Management challenges

What is the role of women in business? Businesswomen about their path to success and prospects for growth. How do social and labour market changes promote equality and career development? Characteristics and styles of business management. The “women” factor in ESG. Women leaders in industries, such as real estate, health, technology, education, transport, and logistics sector. These are just some of the topics that will be on the agenda at the meeting, which will be hosted by Anna Zejdler, head of the project.
2.15 pm
“Rzeczpospolita” Lounge

Strong railway in Europe: just a fad or a strong and permanent trend?

In recent years in Europe, and particularly in the European Union, the need to create strong and modern railways has been an important point of public debate and development strategies; however, it has also materialised in the area of tangible investments. Poland had a particularly difficult task: to make up for years of backlog and, at the same time, to strengthen the competitive position of the railways in the transport market, both at national and international levels. Those who were already convinced of the need to develop the railways did not need convincing, and the unconvinced realised its importance during major crises, i.e., the COVID-19 pandemic or the war in Ukraine, which continues to this day. How is the Polish railway preparing to strengthen its competitive position? What tools – financial, but not only – does it need to invest in its development? How does it view the liberalisation of the railway sector?
2.20 pm
Focus theme: Finance and Investment

The housing market after the launch of “Safe Credit.” Sales and reservations in July/August – what’s next? Temporary surge or a trend?

This year, the programme has no budget limit, but next year there will be one. What consequences it might bring? What other factors are driving housing sales: leniency on “regular” loans, fear of price increases? The supply and the market offer – are there perspectives for it to grow stronger/faster? What actions are needed to make this happen? The price spiral in the housing market – what can stop it? Rental market as an alternative – who should create it? PRS? The state?
3.30 pm
“Rzeczpospolita” Lounge

The impact of the US investments on the Polish economy

The panel will focus on the role of the US investments in Poland and its importance to the Polish economy. Discussions will address, among other things, the impact of the US companies on GDP, the labour market, the environment, and the development of the broader supply chain in Poland. Participants in the discussion will also indicate which sectors of the economy where American firms operate will develop most dynamically; they will also present the needs which are crucial for the further development of American investments in Poland.
3.30 pm
Focus theme: Business and Management

How to maintain the pace of Swiss companies’ investments in Poland?

Since the Industrial Revolution, Swiss companies have been among the leaders in their industries. This is thanks to high-quality institutions, openness to economic exchange, and an effective innovation development ecosystem. For the past 12 years, Switzerland has consistently ranked at the top of the world’s most innovative economies, The Global Innovation Index. Economic cooperation between Poland and Switzerland has been growing rapidly for several decades. Swiss companies have invested some €7.2 billion in Poland in 2021 alone and created more than 90,000 jobs to date, i.e., more than in their southern neighbour, Italy. This ranks Switzerland as the 10th most important foreign investor in Poland and second in the IT services sector. How to use the potential of Swiss companies for the further economic development of Poland? What conditions do investments need to maintain the upward trend of R&D expenditures in Poland?
4.40 pm
Swiss Point Pavilion

Polish exports in times of war in Ukraine and uncertainty on global markets

According to final figures from the Statistics Poland, Polish goods exports in 2022 amounted to EUR 346.2 billion. This has not only set a new record, but it is also the first time that sales of Polish products abroad have exceeded EUR 300 billion. In contrast, according to the forecasts of the National Chamber of Commerce, exports in 2023 could rise to €351.5 billion (9.8%), failing to maintain the previous record high rate of growth in export activity.

The situation for Polish exporters appears to be more difficult. For example, Polish furniture exports were 8% lower in June this year than a year before. The latest PMI index readings provided by S&P Global show that in July 2023, the number of new export orders for Polish industry fell by the most since May 2020, with the European market being the source of the particular weakness in exports. At the same time, there is an ongoing war in Ukraine due to Russian aggression, and inflation remains high in the country.

In this situation, can we count on another record and sales of EUR 350 billion? To what extent can the uncertain economic situation in the European Union, in particular in Germany, our main trading partner, thwart Polish exporters? Will the growth in exports to Ukraine, which last year more than compensated for reductions in the markets of Russia and Belarus, continue this year? Is the world over the perturbations with supply chains that started during the pandemic? ESG requirements and exports – how much can ESG issues affect Polish exporters? How to encourage more SME companies to export and invest in foreign expansion? EU funds 2021–2027 to support exports and international expansion.
5.00 pm
“Rzeczpospolita” Lounge

Special evening of Work-life balance panel – good practices

Is work-life balance possible? Optimal management of your own time. Who is at risk of professional burnout? Perfectionism and professionalism versus rest and time for oneself. Values and priorities in today’s world. How do women and men deal with work-life balance? How not to fall into the success trap? And what is success in life anyway? These issues will be the focus of a debate moderated by Anna Zejdler, head of the project.
7.30 pm
“Rzeczpospolita” Lounge


The Republic of Women Leaders. Management challenges

What is the role of women in business? Businesswomen about their path to success and prospects for growth. How do social and labour market changes promote equality and career development? Characteristics and styles of business management. The “women” factor in ESG. Women leaders in industries, such as real estate, health, technology, education, transport, and logistics sector. These are just some of the topics that will be on the agenda at the meeting, which will be hosted by Anna Zejdler, head of the project.
2.15 pm
“Rzeczpospolita” Lounge

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