Forum Ekonomiczne

„Rzeczpospolita” na Forum Ekonomicznym w Karpaczu 2024

A Pole who actively practices sports is healthier

The first step is always difficult, we want to make it easier - says Artur Białkowski, managing director for business services, member of the Medicover management board.

Publikacja: 09.09.2021 20:02

A Pole who actively practices sports is healthier

Foto: Fotorzepa, Mariusz Szachowski

How do Poles approach health after three waves of coronavirus? Has their approach changed?

Yes. We can see that Poles look more and more at their health in a holistic way. It is not just a visit to a doctor's office anymore, but also everything that precedes this visit and sometimes even replaces it.

We can see that active people recover faster and are generally healthier. We encourage exercising and invest in the development of this type of Poles' approach to health.

To what extent do bad habits of Poles change?

We promote a healthy lifestyle. We want everyone to adapt to it. It is not easy. However, we can see that after the reopening of sports clubs, more and more people are taking up exercising. Not all of them yet. Employers are concerned about whether they should invest in sports packages and persuade employees to exercise. We strongly encourage to do so, because a Pole who is actively exercising is healthier and recovers faster after an illness. We urge to retake sports activities. Those who haven't tried it yet should start. It is evident when looking at the sport clubs that more and more people are investing in exercising. A swimming coach I know told me that he had not had such an interest in swimming lessons yet. It's a good sign.

How do you develop the offer of sports and recreation services?

Medicover has been known in the area of health for years and we grew up on that. Three years ago, we took over the business that is now called Medicover Sport. As part of it, we offer sports packages for employees as part of the B2B offer. While developing this offer, we noticed that we should invest in sports clubs. We have already invested in two chains, and we are developing the third together with a third party as part of a franchise. We have three large chains that are developing dynamically and offer fun activities not only in strength, but also in groups. Individual customers can also take advantage of the offer. These are fitness clubs.

Such clubs were being closed down during the pandemic. Were you not afraid of the risk?

We opened the clubs on the first day it was possible. The investment was risky as the clubs were not open and were generating losses. However, we take a holistic and long-term approach to this. This is not an investment for one or five years. It is a long-term investment. We came to conclusion that it is something worth investing in. if we want to take care of the health of our clients then this investment will be beneficial for us as well.

Looking at the statistics of the physical activity of Poles there is a group of young people who graduated from universities and their sport activity declines. Is there a way to encourage them to take up sport activity?

It is not really that simple, there is no ready-made recipe. At Medicover, we prepare a health report for companies entitled "Work. Health. Economy". For example, we can see how many people are overweight or obese. We inform the employer about it and at the same time we propose solutions, for example during seminars that explain how to change the lifestyle or diet. We have dietitians' advice, even the Medicover Diet platform, where you can choose the right diet, including recipes on how to make the right food. We also encourage to be physically active.

We work at the club to ensure that the offer is tailored to everyone. Not only to those who want to do weight lifting, but also to those who just want some light exercises. The first step is always difficult, we want to make it easier. Our doctors prescribe physical activity. They invite people to clubs when they see that a person should start exercising. We start with small steps, but we will make our body to start to change. This gives the incentive to continue.

Do you have an offer for seniors?

We encourage the seniors as well. Sometimes we have special promotions for them. When I go visiting the clubs it is nice to see because there are many seniors exercising. When I jog outdoors, I frequently see people a lot older than me and I do admire it.

—notes taken by gba

Discussion’s partner: Medicover

How do Poles approach health after three waves of coronavirus? Has their approach changed?

Yes. We can see that Poles look more and more at their health in a holistic way. It is not just a visit to a doctor's office anymore, but also everything that precedes this visit and sometimes even replaces it.

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