Lekcja 15: Executive search

If you are a deeply experienced and expertly skilled employee, you need to find a person that could take your career to the next level. You need to find yourself on the list of headhunters that control the access to the best and most important executive jobs in the world

Publikacja: 17.12.2008 02:24

Executive search or headhunting agencies are mainly hired by firms to search for high-end positions, such as C-level officers, like a CEO, CIO, CFO or COO. Headhunters charge a fee or a percentage of salary for contacting you with the firm that hires you. They operate on either a contingency, which means they only get paid if they place someone with the hiring firm, or on a retainer, which means the company has paid them to search for a candidate for a particular position. For many talented and ambitious young leaders, headhunting agencies are gateways to the top levels of company hierarchy, to the so called C-suite succession.

The executive headhunting market is worth $10 billion. The influence that it has in the business industry is profound. Seeking out powerful and charismatic business leaders requires an eclectic set of skills. What do the most influential headhunters look for in a future leader? They vary on the top traits, however they point out features like having drive, being energetic and passing on that energy further down the line and realizing they have a vested interest in continuous learning.

Executive search is a niche market that has an impact on the corporate world. Companies today face many challenges and are constantly pressured for better performance. Additionally, global changes occur rapidly, that is why all business leaders need to be prepared to face those challenges and headhunters need to be able to spot those rare talents.

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vested interest – a special interest in protecting or promoting that which is to one's own personal advantage

[b]Glossary: [/b]

high-end positions – relating to the most influential top positions

fee - an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service

gateways - a place through which you have to go to get to a particular area

succession – when someone takes an official position or job after someone else

profound – felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way

eclectic – eclectic skills combine whatever seem the best or most useful things from many different areas or systems, rather than following a single system

traits – particular characteristics that can produce a particular type of behavior[/ramka]

[ramka][srodtytul]Practice makes perfect[/srodtytul]

Complete the gaps with words from the text

Moving to London can be our ………………..to better job opportunities.

His legal ……………..is extremely high as he is the best in the country.

His artistic work shows an ………………..approach to modern painting, from the old masters to the contemporary artists.

We cannot accept any of the shortlisted candidates as they all possess …………………..that will create conflict in our company.

[i]—odpowiedzi na [link=http://]www.archibald.pl[/link][/i][/ramka]

Executive search or headhunting agencies are mainly hired by firms to search for high-end positions, such as C-level officers, like a CEO, CIO, CFO or COO. Headhunters charge a fee or a percentage of salary for contacting you with the firm that hires you. They operate on either a contingency, which means they only get paid if they place someone with the hiring firm, or on a retainer, which means the company has paid them to search for a candidate for a particular position. For many talented and ambitious young leaders, headhunting agencies are gateways to the top levels of company hierarchy, to the so called C-suite succession.

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