The reimbursement bill proposes provisions to reduce the NHF’s spending on drugs at the expense of patients and domestic drug manufacturers. Are such solutions beneficial to Poles?
- Dr Artur Bartoszewicz: The search for solutions to reduce the expenses of the National Health Fund is legitimate; however, it should not be at the expense of patients and domestic drug manufacturers. The system must protect patients, especially at a time of rising inflation, deteriorating economic conditions, and pauperisation. The draft amendment proposes that within a group of drugs with similar effects and composition, the price of the most expensive one can be only 50% higher than the cheapest one. More expensive drugs will be removed from reimbursement. This is a space for dumping activities and eliminating domestic producers from the market. The domestic market in the medium term will be completely taken over by multinational corporations and Asian suppliers. This is a reprehensible mistake in terms of drug security. Such solutions are against the development of domestic producers, limiting their financial potential, which is necessary for development, dr Artur Bartoszewicz stated.
- Dr Katarzyna Obłąkowska: Especially that the drug sovereignty index, comparing the value of pharmaceutical production by domestic manufacturers with the value of drugs consumed by the nation, places Poland among the countries with the lowest level of drug security, next to the Romanians and Bulgarians. Poland’s index is 0.32–0.35; Switzerland’s is 9.87; Slovenia’s is 2.46; and Germany’s is 0.82. In view of the drug security, Poles have been colonised for over the past 30 years, dr Katarzyna Obłąkowska added.
Czytaj więcej
Zaproponowane w projekcie ustawy refundacyjnej zrównywanie cen konkurujących leków z najtańszymi produktami to karygodny błąd w kontekście bezpieczeństwa lekowego. To przestrzeń do działań dumpingowych i eliminowania z rynku krajowych wytwórców – uważają dr Katarzyna Obłąkowska z Instytutu Nowej Europy oraz dr Artur Bartoszewicz z SGH, autorzy raportu „Farmaceutyczny wyścig narodów”.
Thriving global pharmaceutical corporations are able to supply almost the entire world with needed innovative drugs. Does Poland need its own pharmaceutical industry?
K.O.: Yes. The Polish pharmaceutical market is worth approx. PLN 38.3 billion, while the value of domestic production is only about PLN 11.5 billion. Poland is very attractive to pharmaceutical companies. Unfortunately, we have already ceded a large space of our market to other countries as the value of domestic drug production is only 32% of the domestic pharmaceutical market.
A.B.: Meanwhile, this industry is one of the most important branches of the world economy. Not only has it a huge economic value, but above all, by producing medicines, it guarantees the security of people and nations.