Lekcja 8: Professional development

In the previous lesson I wrote about the significance of the Business Coaching Industry on the effective functioning of an organization. Today I’d like to continue the subject of training in the workplace and focus on the need for professional self-development.

Aktualizacja: 29.10.2008 03:10 Publikacja: 29.10.2008 00:48

The question I’d like to ask is why is it important to ensure your professional development doesn’t end when you leave university or when you start work?

[srodtytul]What is training?[/srodtytul]

Training is the term applied to the acquisition of skills which are essential in order to carry out tasks competently. This may be done in many different ways away from the workplace, or by supervised learning on the job. The person might need to acquire these skills because he/she would like to meet: specific business objectives required by the employerthe general internal standards of the company one’s personal aspirations

[srodtytul]What are the essential skills?[/srodtytul]

To qualify for most good positions you need more than just a degree – you need a variety of skills and abilities that don’t come with a degree. The skills of managers in the 21st century correspond to the changing corporate environment which has taken a more humanistic and employee-centered approach. Human Capital, which is a term for employees and their skills, is a company’s most valuable asset. Regardless of the industry niche or company size, the essential skills for managers and supervisors include both hard skills (like technical abilities) and soft skills. Soft skills include the ability to communicate effectively, support change, develop performance goals and standards, and provide performance feedback. That is knowledge which is undoubtedly supportive to running a successful business.

[srodtytul]Knowledge is power[/srodtytul]

Whoever you are and whatever position you hold you should always remember that knowledge is power. Knowledge can only help you achieve success in your current job, and position you for successful change. You should always stay up-to-date on technology, industry trends, customer needs and any other factors that are important to your personal and professional self-development. Even if you are stuck in a dead-end job with not much future, there is still something you can learn because it’s never too late to upgrade one’s skills.



a dead-end job – a job in which there is no chance of being raised to a better, more important job (praca bez perspektyw)

[b]Glossary: [/b]

acquisition – obtaining something (nabywanie)

asset – a useful or valuable quality, skill or person (rzecz wartościowa)

regardless despite; not being affected by something (niezależnie od czegoś)

essential – necessary; needed (najbardziej istotny, główny)

undoubtedly – not questionable; accepted as the truth (niewątpliwie)

stuck – unable to move (utknąć)[/ramka]

[ramka][srodtytul]Practice makes perfect[/srodtytul]

Complete the gaps with words from the text

I was ……………….in a traffic jam for over 6 hours because of an accident.

I have a ……………….job, which means I have no chance of being promoted.

We will sign the contract, …..…... of what other people think.

Knowledge of soft skills is an ……………….for any manager.

[i]—odpowiedzi na www.archibald.pl[/i][/ramka]

[link=http://d52.rp.pl/audio/vol3/lekcja8.mp3]Wersja audio[/link]

The question I’d like to ask is why is it important to ensure your professional development doesn’t end when you leave university or when you start work?

[srodtytul]What is training?[/srodtytul]

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