Czarnecki: Education for the future should be practical

“There is a need to create an offer of practical training in cooperation with companies”, says prof. dr hab. Paweł Czarnecki, Vice-Chancellor of the Collegium Humanum and Honorary Consul of Uzbekistan.

Publikacja: 08.09.2023 02:18

Czarnecki: Education for the future should be practical

Foto: Aleksander Zieliński

We don’t know what the labour market will look like in five, ten, or fifteen years and what specialisations will be needed. How should education deal with this challenge?

It is likely that 70% of the children who started school in September will be working in occupations that do not exist today. We need to think about what education for the future should be. I feel most comfortable describing non-public higher education. Training and education for the future should be practical. It is not the case, as has been advocated in recent years, that schools and universities are supposed to respond to the challenges of the labour market. The labour market is so dynamic, processes are occurring so quickly, new professions are being created, that we would not be able to keep up with preparing specialists in a few years of study.

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