Lekcja 14: A Lean Christmas

Christmas is a time of giving, buying presents and sharing what we have with the less fortunate. In the corporate world Christmas was the long awaited time for large bonuses, fruitcakes and turkeys and lavish parties. Yet, this Christmas might not be so merry for many employees. Corporate generosity might be quite lean this holiday

Publikacja: 10.12.2008 02:29

In many companies, the year-end bonus is becoming a quaint memory of earlier times, when an extra envelope from payroll in December was an almost certain reward for everyone. Holiday bonuses are slowly vanishing. Today companies have decided to pay the Christmas bonuses in relation to their workers” performance. According to specialists, tying rewards to the performance of the company serves to motivate workers. Nevertheless, is it motivation or a necessary cost-cut measure?

Over the years employees have become so used to receiving a year-end bonus that they regarded it as a right. Most didn’t even know how it was calculated, yet it was strongly sought-after to pay for the new kitchen furniture or a new car. Now that the bonuses might be low or non-existent many employees might feel cheated. Despite this feeling, there's caution among businesses, as the economy is slowing. It is harder to see into the future and forecast optimistic sales profits. That is why employees will have to make do with an empty stocking from Santa this Christmas.



ean – if a period of time is lean, there is not enough of something, especially money or food, at that time (chude)

[b]Glossary: [/b]

lavish – more than enough, especially if expensive (rozrzutne, hojne)

merry – happy or showing enjoyment (wesoły, radosny)

generosity – willingness to give money, help or kindness (hojność)

quaint – the word is used to show that you do not approve of something because it is strange or old-fashioned (osobliwy)

payroll a list of the people employed by a company showing how much each one earns (lista płac)

sought-after wanted by many people and usually of high quality or rare (poszukiwany)

caution – taking care to avoid risk (rozwaga, ostrożnośc) [/ramka]

[ramka][srodtytul]Practice makes perfect[/srodtytul]

Complete the gaps with words from the text

The ……………… of the TV viewers in helping the children outweighed our expectations this Christmas.

Before we make a precedent decision, we have to proceed with …………. as the effects might be extremely dangerous.

In spite of the economic crisis this Christmas we still have to be …………….. and hopeful for the future.

After a …………….. year in the retail market, profits have been steadily growing.

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