US and Europe’s solidary support of Ukraine

The Russian aggression has unquestionably bolstered transatlantic relations. Europe has become an integral part of NATO’s security strategy, forming a strategic axis. However, it’s essential to nurture this unity, as it’s not a permanent fixture.

Publikacja: 08.09.2023 02:08

US and Europe’s solidary support of Ukraine

Foto: Wojciech Kordowski

– “Before the war against Ukraine, Western allies quarrelled over concepts and competencies”, General Vincenzo Camporini, a former military, now a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society of Italy, reminded at the panel, “Transatlantic Relations in the Face of the War: US & Europe Together for Ukraine”.

Europe followed the policy of strategic autonomy, to keep control over foreign affairs on the continent even though NATO remained the main defender of Europe. The US, on the other hand, had really no interest in sharing its decision-making with the Europeans, especially after the pivot to Asia.

– “The Russian aggression against Ukraine changed everything. This war revealed the alliance’s integrity we last saw maybe during the Cold War”, argued Vincenzo Camporini.

– “There are some differences even today, of course; but, nevertheless, we keep united. We should keep it on but cannot take it for granted. We need to keep providing the public with evidence and data on the war in Ukraine so that governments that want to support Ukraine receive support from their people”, the General analysed.

Even more so as the political, military, financial, and humanitarian needs of Ukraine are far from satisfied.

– “Obviously, Ukraine would have never managed to stop the Russian war machine advancing towards us without the huge support from the US and other NATO members”, said Igor Tsependa, Rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. – “The scale of our needs is evident from the sheer number of six thousand shells used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is the annual demand of many NATO countries”, he added.

Igor Tsependa emphasised we must think about the future. He believed Ukraine to have a great potential for becoming NATO’s partner in defence programmes.

Beata Surmacz, Professor at the Chair for International Relations at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, added that, according to preliminary estimates, the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine might cost 750 million dollars.


Foto: .

– “Before the war against Ukraine, Western allies quarrelled over concepts and competencies”, General Vincenzo Camporini, a former military, now a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society of Italy, reminded at the panel, “Transatlantic Relations in the Face of the War: US & Europe Together for Ukraine”.

Europe followed the policy of strategic autonomy, to keep control over foreign affairs on the continent even though NATO remained the main defender of Europe. The US, on the other hand, had really no interest in sharing its decision-making with the Europeans, especially after the pivot to Asia.

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