Many challenges ahead of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine

“The reconstruction of Ukraine by Polish companies will be an opportunity for both countries but requires effort and a good political climate”, experts said in Karpacz.

Publikacja: 08.09.2023 02:38

Many challenges ahead of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine

Foto: Wojciech Kordowski

The major themes of the panel discussions at this year’s Economic Forum in Karpacz included Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the potential post-war situation. They were discussed by politicians and practitioners, i.e., representatives of the business world. – “Polish and Ukrainian companies should work together without waiting for agreements between the countries. The private sector can build an agenda, which it will then put on the table in discussions with politicians”, said Julia Kiryanova, CEO of Smart-Holding. She stressed that there are opportunities for cooperation between the countries in a wide range of areas.

Representatives of the Polish business world emphasised that the reconstruction of Ukraine presents many opportunities. – “The Ukrainian market has been in Budimex’s area of interest for many years. There are a lot of questions and opportunities. What Ukraine can give today is the Ukrainian transformation affecting the entire European Union and Poland. As I said, we have already been a business partner with Ukraine for years. Safety is the core challenge now. Our company believes that cooperation with Ukraine is going very well but will not be able to operate there until our employees are safe. We are looking forward to seeing the war come to an end”, said Cezary Łysenko, member of Budimex’s Management Board. As he emphasised, Budimex has gained a great deal of experience over the years in terms of the efficiency of construction works and can transfer this experience.

What about other challenges and issues that will affect Polish-Ukrainian cooperation after the war is over? – “We need to leave stereotypes about Ukraine behind, both positive and negative. Ukraine is totally changed now, following the war. The sense of Ukrainian identity is growing. We will be meeting proud Ukrainian men and women in our future relations”, noted Dariusz Szymczycha, First Vice-President of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce. He also highlighted another (systemic) aspect of Ukraine’s transformation. – “The reconstruction will not be possible without Ukrainian self government. I would advise companies to look at how local governments work in Ukraine”, he noted. He also accentuated the importance of, among others, knowledge of Ukrainian digital platforms in the process.

Another topic raised in the discussion was the impact of political issues on business relations and opportunities for cooperation. – “All issues should be resolved with a good faith dialogue. This is how potential disputes can be resolved”, emphasised Julia Kiryanova.

What matters most? – “Logistics is the key issue at the moment. Ukraine is in a critical situation in this sphere. Support is needed in exports. We are very open to business cooperation. We have already had several meetings. A good political climate is needed, but I believe that the private sector will always be able to find a consensus with benefits for all parties”, said Julia Kiryanova.

The major themes of the panel discussions at this year’s Economic Forum in Karpacz included Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the potential post-war situation. They were discussed by politicians and practitioners, i.e., representatives of the business world. – “Polish and Ukrainian companies should work together without waiting for agreements between the countries. The private sector can build an agenda, which it will then put on the table in discussions with politicians”, said Julia Kiryanova, CEO of Smart-Holding. She stressed that there are opportunities for cooperation between the countries in a wide range of areas.

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