Forum Ekonomiczne

„Rzeczpospolita” na Forum Ekonomicznym w Karpaczu 2024

At the turn of the epochs

From business and demographic challenges, taxes, climate change, energy transition and AI to geopolitics and the war in Ukraine – these are the topics that the participants of the Economic Forum will by discussing.

Aktualizacja: 04.09.2024 13:26 Publikacja: 03.09.2024 04:27

At the turn of the epochs

Foto: Maciej Zygmunt

The 33rd Economic Forum kicks off in Karpacz on Tuesday. The Forum’s guiding theme this time is ‘Time of New Leaders – Shaping the Future Together’.

“It should be understood, first and foremost, as a response to the changes happening around us. We are living in a time that is fairly unique in human history. We are living at the turn of epochs. Before our eyes, artificial intelligence and technologies are evolving, becoming mankind’s companions and starting to co-determine everything we do,” says Zygmunt Berdychowski, Chairman of the Programme Council of the Institute for Eastern Studies Foundation, which organises the Economic Forum, to Rzeczpospolita. “The technological revolution has accelerated in an unprecedented way. As a consequence, people need to understand what challenges artificial intelligence brings to the economic, social, and public life, and what challenges come with having a presence in cyberspace. This is an absolutely fundamental issue today.”

Guests and topics

The organisers expect to see more than 6,000 participants, including people from the world of business, academia, local and national government, and, of course, people from abroad. More than 500 debates have been arranged for everyone. The list of topics to be covered in them is quite long. Many of the topics concern the economy, not only in Poland, but also across Europe and around the world.

The starting point for many of the discussions will be the annual report by the Warsaw School of Economics and the Economic Forum.

“The report’s studies concerning, for example, the development of the CEE economies and their digitalisation, the green energy transition, taxes, healthcare or business investment in foreign markets, are not strictly academic in nature. They are a way of popularising academic achievements. The studies are structured accordingly, and include conclusions and recommendations developed by dozens of SGH experts for business owners and economic policy makers who deal with regulations,” says Prof. Roman Sobiecki, SGH Prorector, who was in charge of preparing the report.

There will also be discussions about the problems faced by Polish businesses, the state's finances and their condition, the difficulties in access to housing and proposals to support this sector of the economy. Among the major topics will be the unfavourable demographic trends, the migration of people of working age and the status of women on the labour market.

AI Forum

Extensive discussions will take place about the consequences of climate change and how to stop or at least slow it down. Geopolitical topics, not least the ongoing war across our eastern border, are also on the agenda.

A new addition will be the AI Forum, taking place alongside the Economic Forum in Karpacz. Until recently, AI-related topics have been covered as part of the main Forum's programme, but now its organisers have decided that they deserve a dedicated place.

“We have signed an agreement with the Ministry of Digitalisation, the University of Warsaw, the AGH University of Science and Technology, as well as the technical universities of Kraków, Poznań and Wrocław, to prepare a whole block of events related to artificial intelligence as part of the Economic Forum's programme,” said Zygmunt Berdychowski. The AI Forum will feature 50-60 panel discussions as well as presentations of books and reports.

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