Wojtera: Plenty of courtesies for passengers

“The very good feedback we receive for the quality of service at the airport show that passengers appreciate our efforts”, says Stanisław Wojtera, president of the Management Board of Polskie Porty Lotnicze S.A.

Publikacja: 08.09.2023 02:23

Wojtera: Plenty of courtesies for passengers

Foto: Wojciech Kordowski

The most pressing topic related to Polish airports is the question of the future of Warsaw Chopin Airport. What is going to happen with it?

It is rehashing an old topic. Let us recall the facts. In 2018, the CPK concept is being developed and approved by the Council of Ministers. It clearly states that the civilian traffic will be transferred from Chopin Airport to CPK. We are building a new, bigger, better Chopin. There cannot be two Chopins.

We are only talking about air traffic. What will happen with the airport and grounds themselves is too soon to say. This decision is not yet made. We only know that civilian traffic will be relocated in line with the CPK concept.

This may make you wonder. On the one hand, the CPK strategy is planned out for years to come, while — on the other — it is unclear what will happen to Chopin Airport. Something is not quite right with this strategy.

There are several scenarios. It is worth remembering that there is also a military unit at Chopin Airport, so this is a major inter-ministerial decision. In-depth analyses are required to make the best decision about the future of the site. Therefore, none has yet been taken up. If someone claims that the decision has already been taken, they only want to artificially re-fuel the topic. There’s an election campaign going on, so this is how it is, but it’s out of touch with reality.

And how did Chopin Airport survive the holiday season? Did it get clogged up?

You would have to ask passengers about their comfort level. Of course, we checked in everyone who wanted to use the airport. In summer, we broke several records. Daily record (almost 67,000 passengers in 24 hours). We had almost 2 million passengers in July, then a most intensive August on record. Now we have a record summer. In this respect, it was hot.

Are you not pleased with these records?

I am, but at the same time I know what it means. Sixty-seven thousand passengers on a single day translate into a sizable city that passes through the airport. We face hundreds of different barriers related to capacity every day. We have many bottlenecks in various locations. So far, we are getting by. We try to organise the work of the services in such a way that it goes smoothly. However, our forecasts clearly state that next year, there will be more records, even more passengers. This means even more crowding, bigger queues, and lower quality of service. It means bigger queues for coffee and toilets because we have the infrastructure we have. We are trying to change that by rearranging the toilets, increasing the number of food and beverage outlets, and letting passengers through an area of the terminal that was little used. We stretch the terminal as if it were made of rubber, and eventually it will resist.

Isn’t it worth expanding it a little?

We are expanding – in Baranów.

So, there will be no more major investments at Chopin Airport?

Yes, there will. Each one is serious for us. But there will be no huge investments that will significantly increase capacity. All the steam is going into CPK, and we will try to do what we can and ensure quality.

We are doing a lot for passengers. After a temporary passport, an EHIC card, we opened a pharmacy, a capsule hotel, and a parcel machine (you will be able to send items that cannot be brought into the restricted area). The latter is unique in Europe if not the world. I am proud to have been the initiator of this facilitation. We will be changing the parking system. We are making many changes that will improve the service at Chopin within the infrastructure that exists. The very good ratings we receive for the quality of service at the airport show that passengers appreciate our efforts. I am grateful that they can see that. We will try even harder.

Warsaw-Radom Airport, Poland’s most modern airport, scores even better.

Only there are few passengers there.

Over 70,000, not so few.

That is, you have surpassed the airport in Zielona Góra or Olsztyn, which are not the largest in Poland. This is not how it was meant to be. Radom airport was expected to handle significantly more passengers. Will it ever be?

Radom will not be the largest airport in Poland; there is no possibility of that. It is tailored for a much smaller number that will not allow it to enter the top league of airports. You want to compare the airport that has been operating for four months with one that has been operating for a dozen years. It’s not fair. Let’s try to show how much those airports have handled after four months of operation. Then it will become clear that Radom is at the forefront, even when compared to much larger regional airports.

What will next year look like in Radom?

We will improve this year’s result, which is specific because it is not a full year. We set off in May. Next year, we will increase the number of passengers by tens, maybe 100%.

Will there be new major carriers in Radom?

Yes. And they will come soon.

— recorded by: Grzegorz Balawender

Foto: .

Foto: materiały prasowe

The most pressing topic related to Polish airports is the question of the future of Warsaw Chopin Airport. What is going to happen with it?

It is rehashing an old topic. Let us recall the facts. In 2018, the CPK concept is being developed and approved by the Council of Ministers. It clearly states that the civilian traffic will be transferred from Chopin Airport to CPK. We are building a new, bigger, better Chopin. There cannot be two Chopins.

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