Foreign investments: Poland among European leaders

Last year’s investment slowdown recorded in Poland did not relate to foreign companies – their expansion spending rose by 75% on the year, to almost $10 billion.

Publikacja: 15.05.2017 12:24

Foreign investments: Poland among European leaders


Due to the amount of foreign investment, Poland was ranked the fifth destination in Europe, with the growth pace second only to Hungary – the report of Financial Times-owned analytical company fDi Intelligence shows.

Last year, Poland’s contribution in the total amount of foreign investment in Europe grew by 6% versus 3% increase in 2015. This means that in 2016 Poland’s position in the investment ranking was higher than the size of our economy could suggest - Poland generates about 3% of European GDP. Turkey and Spain, with considerably larger economies, recorded slower capital inflows, at $8.8 billion and $8.5 billion, respectively.

Pozostało jeszcze 91% artykułu

119 zł za rok czytania RP.PL

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