The Border under the Greatest Threat

Dramatically changing geopolitical situation, numerous questions Donald Trump’s policy towards East and Central European arises, as well as growing number of signs suggesting that the Trans-Atlantic solidarity in Europe is beginning to weaken call for well-thought responds of the Republic of Poland.

Publikacja: 17.01.2017 16:13

Hopes for the defense that our allies may provide should not by any means release are from the national responsibility for the security of our country and our independent initiative at the forum of NATO members. Poland must have the agenda of interests and demands in the event of the growth of tensions between the West and Russia, or another Obama-like the policy of detente.

A solid foundation for our position in the relations with America is provided by our constant engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the fact that Poland is one of only few NATO-member countries that fulfil their common obligation to spend 2 per cent of their GDP on defense. This is why we have a right to be a co-constructor and not just consumer of the security.

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